Blog: Leading with Insight

What is required for successful delegation? 

On our leadership programs, a frequent concern raised by delegates is the fact that they feel they are spending too much time working ‘in the business’....

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What do people look for most in their leaders? 

Survey after survey after survey confirms that what people value most in leaders is…

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Ten Steps for Successfully Implementing Change

Research shows that as many as 75% of change programs fail to achieve their goals, which means that by learning to effectively lead change, you can gain a...

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Sir Chris Bonington – Everest: The Hard Way

On 25th January 2012, ten years ago, our very first LEAD™ program was launched with a spellbinding Masterclass on Leadership Challenges by Sir Chris...

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How to have an Effective One to One Meeting

As leaders we know that building trust in the workplace is essential for developing rapport, building relationships and improving teamwork and...

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Considerations for 2022

In your December board meetings, how many conversations began, "Let’s not change anything about our business next year, we’ll just hope for more of the...

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Sir Ernest Shackleton

A hundred years ago on the 5th January 1922, one of Britain’s greatest ever leaders sadly passed away.

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How to use your Emotional Intelligence to Respond more Effectively in Difficult Conversations

Workplace conflict is estimated to cost the UK economy £28.5bn (Acas, 2021) with nearly half a million employees resigning each year as a result of...

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Mission statements: Leader’s perspective

In last week's blog we brought you Making a Statementby Professor Malcolm McDonald, talking about how getting the mission statement right can change your...

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Making a Statement

Mission Statements by Professor Malcolm McDonald

Getting the mission statement right can change your business for the better, forever. 

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Good Dividends: purposefully changing the world of work – a Humanifesto 

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What is Leadership?

Leadership is a concept that means different things to different people, at different times, in different situations. With such a variety of meaning,...

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